If you’ve always been open to astrology, but have never really found yourself in the horoscopes you know, after a full astrological analysis, you can see yourself much more clearly. By setting up your personal formula, you can also answer questions that even you yourself have not been able to formulate. With this knowledge, you can control your life more consciously to accomplish the task of destiny you have chosen for yourself in this incarnation. I also help you find your way around the key issues of your privacy, your business, to make your ambitions a success.

I will definitely need an exact date of birth (hour-minute) and geographic location.

After I have done the analysis, we will meet in person and in an approximately 3 hour conversation, I will answer your previous questions, show you the “map” that has shown you the way to yourself. You will receive documentation and audio from me about all of this so that you can go back to the information you hear later.

29.990 Ft

Unique offer
Price on request



I can set up a numeroscope for you on my own or in addition to astrological analysis. While math was a favorite of a few at school, the numbers point to past, present, and future stations in your life. In numerological analysis, a “house” is drawn in front of you with numbers and colors, which includes the answers to your questions.

Based on your date of birth, I will draw this particular “house” and calculate from it whatever you are curious about.

Complete numerological analysis
19.990 Ft

Unique offer
Price on request